Co-creating A Better World
Message From Lorraine:
“For many years I have enjoyed meditative practices to support my balance and well-being. Yet, the pandemic took this to another level as I began enjoying longer and more frequent periods of my favorite heart meditation practice. I would often lie down and my two cats would be lovingly relaxing right by me. I felt their love supporting me during this heart focused meditative time. I entered deep, expansive states of awareness of who we all really are in our true essence, and of the interconnectedness of all life. I felt all the qualities we associate with our spiritual heart magnified.
These various “Heart Thoughts Make Me Strong” affirmations arose clearly in my consciousness and felt like Truth. I kept a pen and paper nearby and jotted them down as they came to me over the course of several months. These cards remind us of those truths we already know deep inside of ourselves.
I invite you to keep remembering that we can co-create a better world for everyone even in challenging times.”
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